Conventional dent repairs involve far more time than PDR and are much more expensive. More severe vehicle damage requires a different repair process involving sanding, bonding and matching a new paint to the vehicle’s original paint color and quality. Where the damage is just too extensive to fix, new panels will need to be ordered. Clearly, this process shows why conventional repair is much more expensive than PDR and why it takes a lot more time to fix a vehicle.
Insurance companies will request customers to take their vehicle to their nearest auto body shop for a quote and once approved, give the go ahead for the work to be done. They are often reluctant to approve conventional repairs though since customers often cannot afford their deductible. This expense means that customers leave the damage until their vehicles become rusted, resulting in even greater damage. Auto body shop professionals do not recommend this course of action and suggest that customers make enquiries about any available discount programs or offer to get their vehicle fixed as soon as possible. With a little help from all concerned, PDR may be possible, which is what the experts recommend to avoid further damage.